the logo of the Fagiolada teamn in

Script: Logo for non Plus users

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Mkcerusky's Sokker page: Logo for Non Plus Users

This scripts is made by me, and needs the browser Mozilla Firefox (or ) and the dedicated GreaseMonkey extension.
If you need info on the scripts, please contact me in sokker with a sk-mail, thanks.

The script: Personal Logo (non plus users)

Instructions for latest version (1.0 released on 29/05/2008) adapted to new sokker design 2008

Dear friends, here is a little script based on Greasemonkey. If you are not a plus user, but would like to see a logo on the main page of your team, you can use this little script. Of course the logo won't be seen by other users...but better then nothing, isn't it?
  1. first of all you need Greasemonkey
  2. secondly you need to have your logo image to be saved somewhere on the internet and accessible via http. For instance mine is here
  3. Then right click here to install the script
  4. Right click on the greasemonkey icon and chose "Set Logo Url": a popup will open where you can copy the url of your image.
  5. refresh your main image
  6. enjoy the view of your new logo!

Instructions version 0.2 (not working with new design 2008) Dear friends, here is a little script based on Greasemonkey. If you are not a plus user, but would like to see a logo on the main page of your team, you can use this little script. Of course the logo won't be seen by other users...but better then nothing, isn't it?
  1. first of all you need Greasemonkey
  2. secondly you need to have your logo image to be saved somewhere on the internet and accessible via http. For instance mine is here
  3. Then right click here to install the script
  4. Right click on the greasemonkey icon and chose "Set Logo Url": a popup will open where you can copy the url of your image.
  5. refresh your main image
  6. enjoy the view of your new logo!

Instructions for version 0.1 (not working with new design 2008)
  1. first of all you need Greasemonkey
  2. secondly you need to have your logo image to be saved somewhere on the internet and accessible via http. For instance mine is here
  3. Then right click here to install the script
  4. Open "Manage User Scripts" from the greasemonkey menù
  5. select the "Sokker Emblem for Non Plus Users" script and click on "edit"
  6. change the imageUrl to the URL ov your image available on the internet
  7. save your changes and exit the editor
  8. go to your sokker page and enjoy the view of your new logo!
alternatively after steps 1 and 2 you can:
  1. bis. right click here to save the script on your computer and open it with an editor
  2. bis. set an imageUrl
  3. bis. save the changes
  4. bis. open the file with Mozilla and install it
  5. bis. go to your team's main page, the image should be there!


If the instructions are not clear, have a look at this: VIDEO OF INSTALLATION PROCEDURE by


where to save logo images?
You can use public repository such as:
- tinypic

What are you going to see in your main page?
Something like this

What are other users going to see in your main page?
A standard non plus page without any logo!

I don't find the script on my hard disk, what should I do
The easiest thing to do in this case is:
- don`t install the script but save it instead on your HDD
- use an editor to open and edit the copy of the script that you saved on your HDD.
- finally open with your browser the modified version of the script that you have on your HDD: a top bar will ask you if you want to install, just do it

When I click on the edit button of grease monkey nothing happens, so? (Example)
Again, the easiest thing to do in this case is:
- don`t install the script but save it instead on your HDD
- use an editor to open and edit the copy of the script that you saved on your HDD.
- finally open with your browser the modified version of the script that you have on your HDD: a top bar will ask you if you want to install, just do it

Istruzioni (ita) (versione 1.0 rilasciata il 29/05/2008, funziona col design 2008)

Questo script permette anche ai non PLUS di avere un logo nella home page, che ovviamente sarà visibile solo al proprietario.
  1. innanzitutto hai bisogno di Greasemonkey
  2. poi hai bisogno di avere l'immagine che vuoi usare come logo salvata da qualche parte su internet (ad esempio su imageshack)
  3. Quindi clicca qui per iinstallare lo script
  4. Clicca col destro sulla scimmietta di Grease Monkey, e scegli "Set Logo Url": ti si aprirà una finestra di dialogo dove mettere l'indirizzo (url) di dove si trova la tua immagine, mettilo (con tanto di http:// e dai l'ok).
  5. ricarica la pagina
  6. goditi il tuo logo!!
I viaggi di mkvale