Bananito & MC: Black powder

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   \\.     (Hey what the hell is that black
   (oO)           powder falling from your
  . )-) .      \                      body?)           
   .JJ .           ////
 . . . . .         (O o)
. .   .   .         )-('

  (Oh, it's just my skin,
      /  I am loosing my sun tun...)              
   (oO)       (Welcome back from your holydays then!)
  . )-) .        \     
   .JJ .            ////
 . . . . .         (@ @)
. .   .   .         )~(

 (Bye bye, see you soon MC)
          (There must be something wrong .....
.                      Can parrots really lose 
  .                  \          their SKIN?!?!?)
 .                       ////
   .                    (- -)
 .*.*..                 `)o('

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