"Cerulli" over the world
After having received a few e-mails from people related to the surname
"Cerulli" (most of them from USA), searching for theyr genalogicl tree,
I decided tp put on this page where I do write whatever I happen to know
about our surname and I also add links and/or e-mail addresses to other
Cerullies in the world:
The ! I am testing them, any suggestion?
Something about the surname "Cerulli":
If you are a Cerulli and you are triing to build up a genealogical tree of
this surname I think it won't be an easy job, infact you can find families
called "cerulli" all over Italy, and what is wrost they don't seem to be
related, actually, also in my Home town, Porto S.Stefano (which is in the
south of Touscany at the seaside), there are many brunches of Cerulli, but
brunch do not seem to be related in some way, at least noone "remembers"
(tha I know)
of such a relation. What I know of our surname is what I can "guess" from
the story of my town and from the "meaning" of the word.
My town was born (i think) in the 16th century, and the population
consisted, at first, mostly of fisherman from Genova and Napoli. Now, in
Napoli there is a surname which is quite popular: Cerullo (with the "o").
No in Touscany, and generally also in the rest of middle Italy, surnames
usually finish with an "i", because, for example, if you were a "Cerullo",
you were part of the family "Cerullo", but one family is usually made of
few persons, so you were one of the "Cerullo"es (plural) so in italian
you were "uno dei Cerulli", infact in the past in Touscany it was tipical
to refer in that way to the family name when talking about someone, so
the surname "Cerullo" became "Cerulli". Actually I have nevere red this
theory in some book, but it seems to be universally accepted and anyway,
in Touscany, most of the surnames end with a "i", ie they are plural, so
"Cerulli" might really be the touscanian (or middle Italy) version of
Something more about the surname "Cerullo": this word is quite similar to
the word "Ceruleo" which is a color, a kind of skye-blue, I have heard
that the surname "Cerullo" comes really from the word "Ceruleo", and on
my side I like to accept this theory... maybe because I like the color blue.
Some e-mails of persons who are interested in our surname:
Well, as i often do net searches to find other pages on the net created by other persons with Cerulli as surname, then i decide to have a list of those links could be nice:
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