MC's ascii drawings: War cycle

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    |V.-------------------------------------. |
    |V|                                     | | 
----' '----------------------------------.  | |
                                         |  | |
   \\\\                                  |  | |
   (@ @)                                 |  | |
   ')-('                                 |  |^|
____/-\____ War.                         |  |^|
                                         |  |^|
   \\\\                                  |  | |
   (@ @)                                 |  | |
   ()O()                                 |  | |
____/-\____ People die.                  |  | |
                                         |  | |
    ////                                 |  | |
   (o o)                                 |  | |
   _)~(_                                 |  | |
___'/-\'___ Right or wrong.              |  | |
                                         |  | |
    ////                                 |  |^|
   (o o)                                 |  | |
    )+(                                  |  | |
___'/-\'___ Military and civilians.      |  | |
                                         |  | |
    ////                                 |  | |
   (+ +)                                 |  | |
    )+(                                  |  | |
___'/-\'___ They die.                    |  |^|
                                         |  |^|
    ////                                 |  | |
   (+ +)                                 |  | | 
_ _\)+(/_ _ Reletives grieve.            |  | |
                                         |  | |
    ___                                  |  |^|
   (+ +)                                 |  |^|
_ __)+(__ _ Cemeteries are filled.       |  |^|
                                         |  |^|
    ////                                 |  | |  
   (+ o)                                 |  | |
_ _\)+(/_ _ Wars end.                    |  | |
                                         |  | |
    ////                                 |  | |
   (o ?)                                 |  |^|
    )-(                                  |  | |
___'/-\'___ Heros and villans.           |  | |
                                         |  | |
    ////                                 |  | |
   (? ?)                                 |  | |
    )-('                                 |  | |
___'/-\____ Time will tell.              |  | |
                                         |  |^|
   \\\\                                  |  |^|
   (@ @)                                 |  | |
_ _()O()_ _ Another war will start.      |  | |
                                         |  | |
----. .-----------------------------mc---'  | |
    |V|                                     |^| 

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