Travel Forum
“Ci sono stato”

Information about foreign
countries, especially concerning safety. Provided by the Italian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.

Travel Forum
“Forum Viaggiatori”

“Dove siamo nel mondo” : allows Italians travelling abroad to communicate
to the Ministry of Foreign Affaire their personal data in order to facilitate
emergency interventions.

per caso”
here you can find many journals

Italian Ministry of Health: direct
link to the page with all the info on diseases and and
required vaccinations for travels abrouad.

Travel Forum
“Il Giramondo”

Reviews and photos of hotels around the
world written by actual visitors (included us!!!)

Everything about Mexico!

Practical guides and travel diaries

Reviews of hotels, hints on what to see
and where to eat, written by people who have actually been in the places.

in Francia
” (“A journey in France”) and other travel guides.